If you've been following...well anything, you know we've been in a time of mass exposure for a minute now. God first had me talking this awhile ago and to be honest, I didn't know what to think but I felt a vague excitement over things done in the dark coming to light.
Justice is always great. I know what it feels like to watch terrible things go down and people who are doing evil continue unchecked and hate it. So when God started telling me a time of light being placed on hidden wrongdoing- especially longterm hidden wrongdoing, I felt good about it.
As it started happening, it felt like a tsunami. Things after thing. Ministry after ministry. Church after church. The personal stories of people who have suffered were painful to hear, but I was still glad people were being held accountable. Justice is important to God and Jesus is coming back for a spotless bride- not a church full of covered up evil.
Last week, I was in the car when God began to share with me how to keep one's heart clean during this time of exposure and not delight in watching those up high come tumbling down but rather pray because there are so many suffering even as God does His perfect work in imperfect situations.
The episode is called, "Don't Delight in Exposure" and is about delighting in the God who brings all things to right, but remembering and praying for those who are reliving some of the hardest times of their lives and the innocents who have been caught up in scandal due to their proximity to abusers.
You can listen here: https://bunmiladitan.buzzsprout.com/2368361/episodes/16180984-don-t-delight-in-exposure

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7bntpJP6s40wdjyEaF7CBO
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/dont-delight-in-exposure/id1752299480?i=1000678342537