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Inherit the Land & Two Miracle Stories

Dear friend,

A new episode of my podcast, the God of Miracles, is up. In this episode I share the message God had been giving me over and over: Inherit the Land.

He’s moving people into physical land you’ll need two things to occupy it: faith & no fear regarding any little giants you may see. He’ll handle it. I also share two beautiful miracle stories. 

It's funny because Shabbat begins this evening so this morning, I looked up this week's Torah portion. If you don't know, the Torah portion is the section of the Hebrew Bible that will be read in synagogue. Ideally, a person reflects on it during the week. It follows a set schedule so Jewish people around the world are reading the same passages.

This week's Torah portion is called Re'eh which means "Behold." Re'eh is a form of the word "see."

The word comes from the beginning of the portion in Deuteronomy 12:26: "Behold, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse." The scene taking place is that the children of Israel are going to finaly take posession of the land God promised. Ground rules are being set.

"And when the Lord your God brings you into the land that you are entering to take possession of it..." Deuteronomy 11:29

Before I recorded, I didn't know what the Torah portion was, I only knew God wanted me to talk about people being given land. In the episode, I shared the story of the Twelve Spies and how their fear caused ten of them not to inherit the land God Gave them. Don't let that be you.

In this time, God is leading people to land He's both promised them and moves/territory He's surprising them with.

Have faith. Don't let giants scare you off. Remember Who gave you the land. He'll take care of the rest.

You can read the story of the Twelve Spies here.


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