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I was meant to write this over a week ago but put it off hoping God would give me something more fun to write about. I'm not joking, unfortunately. It's a tough topic and I wanted to avoid it.

To anyone avoiding the thing God gave them to do, you won't get anything new. Best case scenario He just waits and nothing else will come along.

Or He'll give it to someone willing which is worse. It's a wrong thing to do to avoid what He says. I made it right with Him and am writing it now. Learn from my error.

Anyway, Lordship.

It started with hearing about a Beyonce concert and how she told the concert goers she'd like them to wear chrome. People were happy to. Obliging her was easy because they love her. Obedience came easily. That's when I heard the word. "Lordship."

The person you obey the most, the highest voice in your life, the one that calls the shots, is your lord.

For me (and I'm just putting this together now), not writing this post was making a decision out of lordship to myself.

I was my own lord. God's voice was secondary.

What you have to understand about God is that love to Him isn't just an emotion.

Yes, I have strong feelings for Him because we've spent to much time together, I have experienced His goodness and Presence, I love how He is and how He loves, how he does things,...but to those feelings are not the primary way He wants to experience our love.

To God, love is action oriented.

John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life." He gave. His loves moves. It provides. It protects. It teaches. It doesn't just feel or we'd all be dead.

He wants our love to do the same. Mainly obedience.

It might sound like a dirty word, but it's not because when you love Him and trust Him it's the next natural step. He's safe to obey because He's perfect and has the whole plan.

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope."

Jeremiah 29:11

God is safe to obey. I say it to myself as I say it to you. Perhaps there is fear there. What will obedience cost me? It will cost you more not to obey. He is good. I don't know who promised to take care of you and didn't or if you just have always done things your way, but God is not a man that He should lie.

"I'm afraid of what I'll give up."

In Mark 8:35, Jesus was talking about what it means to follow Him one day and told the people, "For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it."

Following Jesus means yielding daily. Giving one's whole life to Him, but I'll tell you, the reward both in this life and the next is worth it. The intimacy alone with such a beautiful Savior is worth it. He is worth it.

When Beyonce tells people to wear chrome for no reason other than it delights her, those who love her, wear chrome. They do what she says. In that, she's their highest authority.

What has God told you to do? Don't let your fear choke it out. If you haven't started it and it's been awhile, you can still do it. Look at me, I did. Tell Him sorry and then turn. That's what repentance is. It's a turning away from the other thing and turning toward Him.

Love Him with your actions as He loved you with His.

Also this, Romans 10:9 says, "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."

What God has explained to me more than once is how important the word "Lord" is there. Lord, as in highest authority. Most high in one's life. The One I jump to obey. The One I know is King of all things.

Even the demons know who Jesus is. They don't make Him Lord of their lives. He's not their highest authority.

It's not enough to know who He is. He has to be confessed as Lord. You make him yours today.

xo Bunmi


The promises of God begin and end with Yeshua, Jesus, because He is the reconciliation. If you've been walking through life on your own and want to be a child of God, you want Him by your side through it all, here's how to begin.

How Staying Focused Keeps You Afloat

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In the last post I wrote about how in the story of Nehemiah, two men called Sanballat and Tobiah were instantly disturbed by Nehemiah's plan to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. 


Then they laughed and accused Nehemiah of doing wrong. Nehemiah didn't fight them or go on a tirade defending himself. His answer to his newly formed panel of agitators was to state his unmoving faith in God. Even as they spread falsehoods against Nehemiah, he prevailed. How? He kept his eyes on the One who had given him his project. Focus will keep you on track and even in joy as you work. Keep reading.

Rejecting Every False Prophecy/Curse & Choosing God's Vision

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When Sanballat and his buddies realized he could not attack Nehemiah's body, they tried to attack his mind with accusations. When they realized the attacks on the mind did not work, they tried to attack his spirit by having him come into physical agreement with false prophecy of imminent attack and death ("they will come and kill you").


What has been falsely prophesied over your work? That it's not a good time to start? That the economy isn't good enough? That no one will like your work? That it will fail? That you're not the one to do it? The enemy cannot physically make you stop but he will try to discourage and discredit you. Come out of agreement with any false prophetic word and come into agreement God's sight for your project. Keep reading.

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