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New Episode: Why I Run From Gossip

Once you see something from God's perspective, you can never look at it the same way. If you could see gossip in the spirit, you'd never engage in it no matter how delicious the morsel seemed.

It would not be something you'd be willing to create or consume.

In Judaism, gossip is called "lashon hara" or "evil speech."There are actually many words for gossip and slander, based on if it's true or not true, but in practice, they're all called lashon hara.

It's considered a serious sin for both the speaker and the hearer.

Some people think it comes from Leviticus 19:15, which says, "Lo telech rachil b’ameicha" "Do not become a tale bearer among your people."

In this episode, I share what God showed me about gossip, the spirit behind much of it, and what happens when we partner with it.

If you're addicted to gossip, the first thing I suggest doing is coming away from anyone you partake in it with regularly. A friendship based on gossip is not one I'd want. Friendships are meant to comfort, encourage, and strengthen us.

Then, ask God to forgive you and break your ties with the practice. I find people who gossip a lot are doing so as a form of procrastination or as a result of some kind of stagnation in their life. Perhaps ask yourself why you feel or are stuck and ask Yeshua to help you move forward and into what He has for you.

God has a plan for you and it's much bigger than discussing, tearing down, mocking, or belittling others. That's not His plan if you fully understood what it was robbing you of, it wouldn't be your plan either.


How Staying Focused Keeps You Afloat

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In the last post I wrote about how in the story of Nehemiah, two men called Sanballat and Tobiah were instantly disturbed by Nehemiah's plan to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. 


Then they laughed and accused Nehemiah of doing wrong. Nehemiah didn't fight them or go on a tirade defending himself. His answer to his newly formed panel of agitators was to state his unmoving faith in God. Even as they spread falsehoods against Nehemiah, he prevailed. How? He kept his eyes on the One who had given him his project. Focus will keep you on track and even in joy as you work. Keep reading.

Rejecting Every False Prophecy/Curse & Choosing God's Vision

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When Sanballat and his buddies realized he could not attack Nehemiah's body, they tried to attack his mind with accusations. When they realized the attacks on the mind did not work, they tried to attack his spirit by having him come into physical agreement with false prophecy of imminent attack and death ("they will come and kill you").

What has been falsely prophesied over your work? That it's not a good time to start? That the economy isn't good enough? That no one will like your work? That it will fail? That you're not the one to do it? The enemy cannot physically make you stop but he will try to discourage and discredit you. Come out of agreement with any false prophetic word and come into agreement God's sight for your project. Keep reading.

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