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Praying Against Violence

I’m traveling right now with my family and normally I’d take a break from writing, but two nights ago I had a dream I feel led to share.

The dream was short and just before waking. I’m it, two maintenance men were talking with a friend outside of a building in the morning before going into the tall skyscraper building where they worked.

The chat was jovial and light, full of kindness and carefree camaraderie but as the men went inside, I knew it was September 11th and they were walking into a doomed building.

I forgot the dream and was mostly off of social media, enjoying our scenic trip until it came back to me. Truth be told, I didn’t want to share a gloomy message that might make people anxious. And it felt even stranger to do while on such a beautiful trip.

So I asked the Lord what I should do. I told Him I want to be obedient but didn’t understand. I don’t know why I keep forgetting He always makes things clearer after I give Him my Yes and not before- once again, He did.

The answer is prayer.

Last October, the 18th the be exact, I wrote in Instagram about how the the enemy had seduced many into coming into agreement with the spirit of violence. Hamas in Hebrew, means violence, and many, many came into agreement with it some knowingly, some unknowingly.

We reap what we sow not just individually, but as people groups. Now is a critical time to pray against this bad harvest of violence.

God led me to specifically pray against terrorist attacks. Pray they would be fumbled and not carried out the way they were intended. Pray for people to be saved. Pray for angels to be sent to scenes of trouble and help.

Pray for lives to be spared.

The enemy isn’t very smart or very powerful. He’s defeated already, but depends on agreement and the will of people to do evil. Prayer is very powerful against the things which he builds which as I type I see as a house of cards easily blown down or damaged by the winds of prayer.

The verse He gave me is from Matthew 24:37-39

“But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.”

These verses are about how one day, when everything seems normal and life is going as it always it, things will come to a drastic halt as Yeshua comes back.

The time to put your faith in Him is now. If you don’t know Him, repent of your sin to Him, believe God raised Him from the dead, and declare Him as Lord of your life. You can do that now.

I wouldn’t wait. Life can change so suddenly.

“If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Romans 10:9

You can start walking with Him today.

And if you can, pray. In this time, pray. Our prayers have power.

♥️ Bunmi


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