This morning I was reading a devotional called "Sparkling Gems from the Greek." Each day a new Greek word from the New Testament of the Bible is explained in depth.
Today's word was "Epichoregeo." The word literally means "on behalf of the choir."
The context was Philippians 1:19.
"For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ."
In context, Paul was talking about some of the problems he was seeing and facing but how he knew they would lead to his deliverance from them through both people's prayers and the "supply" of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
But what does epichoregeo, a choir, have do with all of this?
It does seem like such a strange word choice, but the author of Sparkling Gems explained how the word came from a story thousands of years ago in ancient Greece. The story goes that there was a huge choral company that practiced over many months for a big, important theatrical production. But when it was time to get the show on the road- they ran out of money.
In the exact moment of need, a benefactor came from out of nowhere and game them a sum of money so large, they had enough to put on the production and more. They had so much they didn't know what to do with it all.
The word epichoregeo is a remembrance of how this abundant supply for the choir came at the perfect time.
We're all doing so much in life. For me, homeschooling, writing, family, tending my home: the days can feel overwhelming before they even begin when I forget where my supply comes from.
I've said it many times that my favorite Psalm is 121.
"I will lift up my eyes to the hills-from where does my strength come from? My strength comes from the Lord, Maker of Heaven and Earth." Psalm 121:1
In these times, more than ever, I've learned that my natural strength is irrelevant. More than strength, what I need is a knowledge of Who my supply, my help is and a willingness to receive it. My faith is my strength and God has not disappointed me yet.
Interestingly enough, right now God is challenging me to receive help from others. I hired a friend to help me run an online mom group. I have a homeschool group of kind, thoughtful women full of wisdom who have mentored me and supported me. Both of these were a challenge as I'm not one to let people in willy nilly.
The biggest human help has come from someone who came into my life quite unexpectedly and has shown me just what it looks like for someone to embody epichoregeo- to lift one up and out of dry places into lush ones.
But none of these were easy for me in the beginning. Humans beings aren't perfect. And I'm one of those people who likes to do things on my own- not because I can- but because I'm not used to getting help and trusting comes with risk I'd rather avoid.
Perhaps you're used to doing things on your own because you've always had to. Perhaps you don't trust easily.
I'm here to tell you that when you make God your strength, when you put your faith in who Jesus is, He will come through for you in ways you don't see coming and help you receive it.
We were never meant to do life on our own.
Let Jesus help you. He loves to change people's lives in tangible ways. Tell Him you're ready and need help. He's listening.
love, Bunmi